November is Adoption Awareness Month!

This year, the focus is on older youth adoption from foster care. Clearly, we never outgrow the need for family.

In this spirit, we are offering special discounts to help families either explore adopting an older child or better meet the needs of the child they are already parenting.

Adopted: The Identity Project

Real People. Real Stories. Real Insight For Parents.
Adopted: The Identity Project

This course guides parents through a series of adoptee stories giving a unique view into the hearts, minds and souls of the adopted person experience.

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Credit Hours: 1.0

Adopting the Older Child

Adopting the Older Child

Adopting an older child presents a unique set of joy and challenges. From knowing what kind of information is important to have to anticipating potential stumbling blocks to a smooth transition, this course serves as a guide to anyone considering adopting a child older than an infant (whether internationally or from the US public welfare system).

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Credit Hours: 2.0

Tough Starts: Parenting Matters

Tough Starts: Parenting Matters

Parenting Matters applies a strengths-based, therapeutic approach to parenting in order to heal a child who has had a tough start in life. Learn this deliberate and intentional approach to parenting through exercises, family stories and expert advice.

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Credit Hours: 2.0

Top 10 Things Adopted Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew (with certificate)

Top 10 Things Adopted Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew (with certificate)

Adopted people and adoptive parents don’t always look at adoption the same way. Understanding your child’s feelings about adoption is essential, so how do you gain some insight?Our panel of adult adopted people discusses what they wish their parents had known.

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Credit Hours: 1.0

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**Please note that the discounted rate will only apply from November 1-30. You must purchase the course or webinar during the month of November in order to receive the discounted rate. However, you can take the course or webinar at any time as our they remain yours to view at your convenience.

Learn more about National Adoption Month

ALP offers courses to help families pursuing foster care adoption become educated about their future child's needs.

Check out our foster care adoption courses

ALP Blog

How to Make an Adoption Lifebook
An adoption lifebook tells your child's story. Read our practical guide on how to make a lifebook, what to include and why they can be meaningful to children and families. What is a lifebook? An adoption lifebook is a special way to document and share a child’s story from the very beginning.


ALP offers courses and webinars for adoptive families and those preparing to adopt.

Check out our catalog