An adoption lifebook tells your child's story. Read our practical guide on how to make a lifebook, what to include and why they can be meaningful to children and families.
What is a lifebook?
An adoption lifebook is a special way to document and share a child’s story from the very beginning.
In anticipation of our April webcast on Anxiety and Depression in Adopted Children, ALP Clinical Director Judy Stigger shared some information about the causes of anxiety and depression and what to do next:Causes:Adding to the confusion is the range of causes of anxiety or depression. When adoptive parents ask if
In anticipation of our April webcast on Anxiety and Depression in Adopted Children, ALP Clinical Director Judy Stigger shared some helpful definitions and advice for parents, especially parents of adopted teens:
Definitions:Depression may be expressed in 'tweens and teens as ongoing sadness or lethargy or, surprisingly, as intense anger or rage.
In our webinar, Sensory Integration and Self-Regulation: Tips for Parenting Sensational Kids, Clinical Pediatric Psychologist Dan Griffith, Ph.D., uses real life examples to help address challenges regarding sensory and regulatory difficulties. Children with a tough start in life are more prone to emotional outbursts and social withdrawal when overwhelmed or
Discussion, advice and a few of our favorite experts. All for families formed through adoption.